So you know when you come out of walmart and you unlock your car wiht the clicky thing just so it'll be ready when you get there right? So, i unlock it... and i get in the driver seat and some RANDOM weird little boy had the back passenger door cracked open and yelled BOOOO! into my car. i think he might have thought it was someone else, or maybe he was just so weird. But, it was crazy! i really wanna try that sometime... but to someone i know! It scared the bageezies outta me!
I do not know why thats underlined...
Anyways, Is it normal that my mouth and arm are still bruised from getting my wisdom teeth out 8 days ago?
Monya and Eric are in mexico! So you'd think a teenage girl would be like "Okay, yeaaah lets party!" But not me. I think I am kinda like Benjamin Button... My teen years are more like my 80's or something. All I ever wanna do is sleep. I think I'm all caught up. After that nap today. phewww I better be. I slept in to the latest I ever have in my life. It was great! I'm going to mexico tomorrow and I was so pumped thinkin all my fun crazy friends were gunna come... but HEY at least I have jamie.
The rest are either working, or boyfriend girls, or in Provo. :(
I miss kelsey!